Mastodon perform the entire new album, Crack the Skye, in the next tour

The alternative metal group of Atlanta, Mastodon, will run the new Crack the Skye album (out on March 24 for Warner Bros.) entirely in the next tour. This is an absolute novelty for the group, but the guitarist Bill Kelliher says that "there is something that would be strange not running all the pieces." The group also hopes to make a short film by all the tracks, and the same Kelliher said to be the version of the Mastodon of The Wall.

Everything starts at the Coachella festival in April, which will follow the tour in Europe in support of Metallica. The fans in Atlanta will have the opportunity to follow the event in preview last night (feb. 28), when the group will be the headliner at a festival which includes 40 heavy metal groups. The festival will be held at the Masquerade nightclub.


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